Finally finished the baby’s announcement… Doesn’t he look just adorable in the top picture!!! Yes, I took that…I don’t know what it is about baby’s laughing and smiling but I seriously would sit for over an hour talking to him and making him laugh and smile…He is such a happy baby and still can’t believe we are so blessed to add this adorable perfect baby to our family. The adoption will be completely official in July when my parents go to court to legally change his name. I spent the last week (my spring break) playing mommy because the nanny took the week off since I was home. Even though I had planned on spending spring break by the pool and beach, spending the week with him was so much more fun. I won’t be home again for a month but I’m so excited to see how he’s grown and the new things he’s learned in that time.

“Don’t blink, life goes faster than you think.”